Czechia: Enhancing future teacher’s practical training through mentorship

A new legislation in Czechia introduces an adaption period for newly employed teachers as well as two new pedagogical positions in secondary schools.
As of 1st of January 2024, Czech legislation newly introduced the teacher adaptation period which lasts two years from the date of their first employment. Under this legislation, school heads are obliged to appoint a mentoring teacher to support the new teachers throughout the induction period. The mentoring teacher primarily offers methodological guidance to the new teachers, regularly and continuously evaluates their pedagogical activities and introduces them to the operation of the school and its documentation. There are no special requirements for the position of the mentoring teacher, however, candidates should be experienced teachers who possess appropriate mentoring competencies in working with adults.
The new legislation also introduces the position of supervising teacher to increase the quality of future teachers’ practical training as well as the training of teacher liaisons with schools. The supervising teacher methodically guides the students of teaching in their teaching practice in schools. To be eligible for this position, teachers must have at least five years of teaching experience.
Source: Eurydice Unit Czechia