Croatia: New Act on Higher Education and Scientific Activity

The Act on Higher Education and Scientific Activity entered into force in October 2022 (Official Gazette 119/22). Its main goal is the modernisation of the system of higher education and scientific activity, to be achieved by strengthening institutional capacity and harmonisation with the adopted principles and core values of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), European Education Area (EEA) and the European Research Area (ERA).
The new Act on Higher Education and Scientific Activity comprises, inter alia, the following legal solutions:
- setting down simple procedures for the admission of teachers, students and researchers;
- cancelling the overlapping ambiguity with respect to normative mechanisms regulating the founding of new higher education institutions and the launching of new study programmes;
- laying down clear provisions regarding the internal organisation of universities and research institutes;
- regulating the changing of status for higher education institutions and research institutes;
- laying down the framework content and the procedure of concluding funding agreements as a new model of public funding of public higher education institutions and public research institutes.
The basis for adopting a new legislative framework in higher education and science is also set down in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan 2021 – 2026 of the Government of the Republic of Croatia. It envisages the modernisation and digitalisation of higher education and science, which is to be put in place by improving the general legislative environment. This will provide a legal and funding framework for the organisational and functional integration of universities and research institutes, as well as a dialogue on institutional goals.
The introduction of a new results-based funding framework will look at more influential publications, a greater number of competitive projects (e.g. Horizon Europe), stronger international co-operation, a larger number of projects carried out in partnership with the economic sector etc. These measures will allow for comprehensive digital transformation of higher education as well as infrastructure investment aimed at meeting the goals of a green and digital Europe.
Source: Eurydice Unit Croatia