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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National qualifications framework


2.Organisation and governance

2.5National qualifications framework

Last update: 27 November 2023


Sweden has introduced a national qualifications framework in accordance with the European parliament recommendation on a European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF). The Swedish Qualifications Framework (SeQF) is based on the EQF, which 38 European countries are connected to. 

Learners, graduates, education providers and employers can use the framework to understand and compare qualifications awarded in different countries in Europe and by different education and training systems. The government determines which level of the national qualification framework certain European qualifications correspond to. It is also possible to apply for level assessment of other qualifications.

General Goals and Purposes

The national qualifications framework was introduced in Sweden on 1 October 2015. It is expected to increase employability and mobility on the labour market since it facilitates comparison of qualifications awarded through studies as well as through work experience. The Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education (Myndigheten för yrkeshögskolan) is the responsible authority and implementation will be done in cooperation with the labour market, public authorities, education providers and students. 

Structure of Qualification Levels

The Swedish Qualifications Framework (SeQF) has eight qualification levels, corresponding to the qualification levels of the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF). SeQF qualification levels 1-5 cover knowledge, skills and competencies acquired within the compulsory school (grundskolan) and upper secondary school (gymnasiet) while SeQF qualification levels 6-8 cover knowledge, skills and competencies acquired within the longer programmes of post-secondary non-tertiary education (yrkeshögskola) and within higher education (högskolan). Learning that is not statutory, which takes place at work, in everyday life or in various associations, is also included in the framework.  

The awarding body of a particular qualification which is not statutory can apply for a level assessment by the Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education (Myndigheten för yrkeshögskolan).

For more information on the structure of qualification levels, see Sveriges referensram för kvalifikationer, SeQF.