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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Belgium - French Community - School heads' salaries and allowances

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Belgium - French Community - School heads' salaries and allowances

School heads' salaries and allowances

  • School heads’ remuneration is regulated by top level authorities.
  • The minimum qualification for school heads is ISCED 6 at all education levels. For recruitment 3 years in service is required. After a 2-year internship, school heads can be permanently appointed, provided they have successfully completed the initial training modules for school heads and have at least 6 years’ experience.
  • Salary progression is based on seniority in teaching or public administration in general. There is a first increase at 1 year of seniority, a second at 2 years, a third at 5 years of seniority followed by increase every 2 years of seniority for all scales, and at 27 years for scales attributed to directors with a bachelor's degree. Another increase is provided at age 61 and 62. 

Teachers' salaries

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2021/2022 - 2022/2023

Bar chart with 2 data series.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Data ranges from 38045 to 54342.
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  • : Eurydice
  • : 04 Oct 2024

The most representative salary is reported for each ISCED level.

Data not applicable or not available is not displayed.


The annual statutory salary is the sum of the gross wages paid to fully qualified school heads in a year according to the salary ranges statutorily defined in regulations or other steering documents. It includes any additional payments that all school heads receive and that constitute a regular part of the annual base salary (such as the management allowance or the 13th month and holiday pay where applicable). This gross amount excludes the employer’s social security and pension contributions but includes those paid by the employees.  

Salary data refers to the minimum and maximum salaries for school heads with the minimum qualification. Where salaries vary depending on the size of the school, data is available for the smallest and biggest schools, and for the most common size of school (when other). 


For more information: 

  • The relevant definitions can be found in the Glossary.  

  • The methodological approach is explained on the Quality framework page. 

  • A comparative overview of all participating countries is available in the section comparative information.