Website user guide
The functionalities of the web pages allow to do navigation and cross search per sub-topic, and cross-search per education level, year and salary range.
Use the drop-down menus in the top section of the pages for selecting the sub-topic of interest.
A tab placed in the top-right corner enables navigation from section "Teacher salaries" to section "School heads salaries" and vice-versa.
Comparative and national sections
Use the drop-down menu in the banner placed in the bottom of the page for navigating between sections.
Filters with drop-down menus allow selection of specific category to enable cross-search per selected categories.
Pop-ups are available in the interactive maps and provide specific information for the country selected as well as a link to the respective national description sheet.
Legends in charts
The legends of the charts are interactive and could be used as filters to evidence the category of interest. By clicking on one or more of the legend items (titles), the chart will show the remaining items only.
Legends in maps
The legends in maps are not interactive.
Data not available indicates that data for the reference year and selected country is not available.
Charts and maps
The information is clustered by education level (ISCED), salary range, type of qualification, age group, minimum, most prevalent and maximum amounts, size of school (for school heads), governance structure or type of allowance.
Filter "country" drop-down menu
The country drop-down menus could be used for selection of a single country or more than one, or all countries for comparison. Click "ctrl" to select more than one country of interest in the drop-down menu.
Export of data
Each search selection can be exported in different formats.
Generation of images from visualizations
Each interactive visualization, including specific selections can be exported/printed in pdf, jpeg or other image formats.