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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Digital Education at School in Europe

Comparative Reports

Comparative Reports

Digital Education at School in Europe

05 September 2019

Acknowledging the key role school education plays in preparing young people for a tech-driven world, this report sheds light on two different but complementary perspectives of digital education: the development of digital competences relevant to learners and teachers on the one hand, and the pedagogical use of technologies to support, improve and transform learning and teaching on the other.

The report provides indicators on the development of students' digital competence through school curricula and teacher-specific digital competences, the assessment of students' digital competences and the use of technology for assessment in general, and finally, on the strategic approaches to digital education and specifically policies supporting schools in this matter.

While the four main chapters provide policy-makers, researchers and the education community with comparative information on the current school digital education policies across Europe, the annexes add specific information by country, on school curricula, teacher competence frameworks, top-level strategies and agencies supporting digital education at school.


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Latest Comparative Reports

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Validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education in Europe

30 April 2024

This Eurydice report investigates whether and to what extent higher education systems across Europe recognise and validate learning outcomes from non-formal and informal learning. Building on EU steering documents and objectives set within the Bologna Process, the report examines the validation of non-formal and informal learning as (1) an alternative access route to education and (2) a way to fulfil higher education study requirements.


Learning for sustainability in Europe: Building competences and supporting teachers and schools

16 April 2024

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