Poland: New team of experts to boost climate education

The Polish Minister of Education has set up a team of climate education experts with representatives of climate organisations, academics, teachers and local authorities to prepare proposals for measures in the field of climate education at schools.
At present, climate education is essential for everyone. Pupils need to be prepared for life in a changing world where so-called green competences may prove crucial. To address this, the Minister of Education has set up a climate education experts team with 36 specialists from different fields including climate organisations, academics, teachers and representatives of local authorities.
The team will support the Ministry of Education in developing a new core curriculum. There is no plan to create a new subject, but climate and environmental education is to be integrated – at every stage of education – in various school subjects and activities. Education on the climate and environment is to take a holistic, interdisciplinary and cross-curricular approach, while being embedded in the local context in order to give students a real sense of empowerment.
The team’s task is to prepare proposals for measures in the field of climate education at schools, particularly in the following areas:
the core curriculum for general education
school infrastructure
cooperation with non-governmental organisations
training and preparation of teaching staff
cooperation with pupils’ parents.
The team’s meetings may be attended, in an advisory capacity, by invited persons whose qualifications, knowledge or experience may be useful in the implementation of the team’s tasks, and by representatives of youth organisations working for the climate in Poland. The chair of the team may also commission reports, opinions and analyses required for the team’s work.
For more information: https://www.gov.pl/web/edukacja/zespol-do-spraw-edukacji-klimatycznej2, https://e-dziennik-minedu.men.gov.pl/#/acts/2803
Source: Eurydice Unit Poland