Poland: Draft resolution on the digital transformation policy for education

A draft resolution of the Council of Ministers on the establishment of the Digital Transformation Policy for Education has been submitted for public consultation, and inter-ministerial agreement.
The solutions included in the draft document are the implementation of the so-called 'milestone' envisaged in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. The document Digital Transformation Policy for Education is annexed to this resolution.
The Digital Transformation Policy for Education is a strategic document, it sets the framework of state policy and measures that are necessary to implement the digital transformation in education. These actions are fundamental for the further development of digital education in Poland and ensure that the next generations are prepared to function and live in a society with increasingly advanced technology.The draft document was prepared on the basis of the consultation of the document's assumptions, carried out in February 2024.
The Digital Transformation Policy for Education indicates 10 important areas for action:
1. Evaluation of the state of digital education and the use of educational technology by pupils
2. Revision of the current core curriculum for pre-school and general education
3. New technologies, including artificial intelligence in school
4. Educational methods, digital didactics, digital teaching resources
5. Teacher education and CPD
6. Providing equipment to pupils, teachers and schools
7. Training of digital professionals
8. Digital safety
9. Changing the organisation of schoolwork
10. Supporting teachers and schools in the digital transformation process.
For more information: https://www.gov.pl/web/edukacja/polityka-cyfrowej-transformacji-edukacji---projekt-uchwaly-rady-ministrow-skierowany-do-konsultacji2
Source: Eurydice Unit Poland