Malta: Updated National Quality Standards in Education (3-16 Years)

The Directorate for Quality and Standards in Education (DQSE) within the Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation, is responsible for the quality assurance of schools. It has launched the National Quality Standards in Education (3-16 years). Whereas previously, the Education Review Section used internally developed quality markers, this is the first time national standards have been developed in Malta has as a result of a formal public consultation process.
Quality Standards play a crucial role in education by providing a framework within which to evaluate schools' effectiveness and potential for improvement. They define clear and measurable Success Criteria for achieving high-quality educational outcomes. By serving as guideposts for schools during internal reviews and in the monitoring of School Development Plans, these Quality Standards contribute to school improvement. Moreover, these standards promote progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 4, which emphasizes inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning opportunities.
The standards aim to establish a common understanding of quality by incorporating clear success criteria. This fosters a balance between autonomy and accountability, as well as centralized and decentralized quality assurance mechanisms. The standards and criteria have been developed in line with national frameworks, policies, international literature, and good practices observed in schools. They focus on three key areas that are crucial for quality education:
Leadership and Management,
Learning and Teaching
Each standard includes specific success criteria and indicators that highlight performance excellence and describe each standard's expectations.
Source: Eurydice Unit Malta