Malta: EduAI – AI puppets for Literacy Education
In line with the National Strategy and Vision for Artificial Intelligence in Malta 2030, the Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation has launched EduAI, an initiative that aims to develop and promote AI in education projects.
Within the EduAI initiative is the AI puppets for Literacy Education project, which explores the realm of possibilities of using AI during literacy programmes for primary schoolchildren (8 to 10 year-olds).
The project involves AI puppets as conversational agents, and demonstrates radio communication and machine learning. It promotes language and literacy tasks and games involving speech and voice recognition, through the use micro-bits and laptops. The project was piloted in a primary school in 2022.
The AI puppets for Literacy Education project is an initiative of the Centre for Literacy of the University of Malta, in conjunction with the National Literacy Agency. It is sponsored by the Malta Digital Innovation Agency.
Source: Eurydice Unit Malta