Italy: Two new avenues for upper secondary education
The Ministry of education and merit launched the experimentation of a new technological-vocational path (filiera tecnologico-professionale). The trial phase will start in school year 2024/2025 and will be based on projects submitted by networks made up by at least a technical or vocational institute, one accredited training agency operating in the regional vocational training system (IeFP), if existing in the relevant region, and one Higher technological institute (ITS Academy).
Technical/vocational studies last four years, instead of the ordinary five years, ending with the final State examination similarly to all the other upper secondary paths. After the State exam, students will have acquired the competences to enter the labour work or can decide to go further in their studies by attending two optional years at higher technological institutes.
The second new opportunity at upper secondary level is the liceo (high school) of “Made in Italy” introduced in addition to the existing six general paths, that launches a general strategy of valorisation, promotion, and protection of Made in Italy. Within this frame, the aim of this course of study is to provide students with all competences necessary to promote “Made in Italy.” General upper secondary institutions can start this type of liceo since the first grades, while the already existing branches specialising in economy-social subjects will transform in the option for “Made in Italy.” The publication of the regulations on curricula and timetables of this new type of liceo is expected in the next few months.
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Source: Eurydice Unit Italy