Ireland: Supporting Traveller and Roma students and those at risk of educational disadvantage

The Irish Ministry of Education is establishing 12 community link worker roles to support Traveller and Roma students. These workers will help improve engagement between schools and families, promoting better educational outcomes. This initiative is part of broader strategies to address educational disadvantage and will be developed in collaboration with relevant organisations.
Minister for Education Norma Foley has announced €1.25 million in funding to establish 12 community link worker roles to support Traveller and Roma children and young people and those most at risk of educational disadvantage.
This is a key action under the Traveller and Roma Education Strategy (TRES) and the National Traveller and Roma Inclusion Strategy (NTRIS II) to enhance positive engagement between schools, families and communities to support the learning and improve educational outcomes of Traveller and Roma children and young people. Building community and family links with education through peer-led support is an action recommended in the OECD Education for Inclusive Societies project Review of Resourcing Schools to Address Educational Disadvantage in Ireland.
Community Link Workers will work across a number of schools in areas where there are high numbers of Traveller and Roma children and young people. Their roles will focus on fostering greater engagement with Traveller and Roma families to facilitate successful communication, promote positive relationships and to support the learning of Traveller and Roma children and young people. The link workers will provide vital engagement between schools and communities.
Department of Education and Tusla Education Support Service (TESS) officials will work in close collaboration with Traveller and Roma organisations in developing the Community Link Worker roles, identifying the specific needs of the families and communities and ensuring they are providing support where it is needed most.
The hiring of community link workers is based on the recommendations/findings of the Traveller and Roma Education Strategy published in July. It also follows the publication of the OECD Education for Inclusive Societies project Review of Resourcing Schools to Address Educational Disadvantage in Ireland.
Source: Eurydice Unit Ireland