Czechia: New competence framework for teacher graduates

The Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports has developed, in cooperation with the pedagogical faculties of higher education institutions, a binding competence framework for teacher graduates.
The document was approved in 2023 and since 2024 it must be part of the Framework Requirements for Study Programmes to Obtain Professional Qualification to Practice Regulated Profession of Education Staff . The Competence Framework describes the professional qualifications that every graduate of a teacher education programme should have. It represents a shared overarching vision for the quality of teacher initial education and training in Czechia and is linked to the Strategy for the Education Policy of the Czech Republic up to 2030+.
The Competence Framework contains 18 professional competencies which are grouped into six areas:
Area 1: The subjects taught and their provision for pupils
Area 2: Planning, leading and reflecting on teaching
Area 3: Learning environments
Area 4: Feedback and assessment
Area 5: Professional collaboration
Area 6: Professional self-concept, development, ethics and mental health
The guidelines provide educators with the skills to create a safe and supportive learning environment, fostering collaboration and teamwork among students. Additionally, teachers are expected to provide constructive feedback and regular evaluations to help students grow and develop. The framework stresses the need for educators to possess in-depth knowledge of the subject matter and stay up to date with the latest methods for promoting student development within that field.
Higher education institutions use the Competence Framework directly in teaching and during teaching practice to provide students with feedback, help them with self-assessment and clarify the concept of the teaching profession. The Competence Framework is a binding document, even though it is not necessary to fulfil each partial competence under the law.
For more information: Competence Framework for Teacher Graduates, Framework Requirements for Study Programmes to Obtain Professional Qualification to Practice Regulated Profession of Education Staff , Strategy for the Education Policy of the Czech Republic up to 2030+
Source: Eurydice Unit Czechia