Belgium (FR): The new Qualifying Education Pathway (PEQ : Parcours d’Enseignement Qualifiant)

From the beginning of the school year 2022-2023, the pathway for students in technical, vocational and qualifying education has changed. This new qualifying education pathway ("PEQ") will gradually come into force and aims to make the qualifying pathway a pathway of excellence, enhancing the value of each pupil and enabling successful socio-professional integration while simplifying its organisation.
The PEQ echoes the introduction of the reinforced common core. Indeed, the extension of the common core from pre-primary education to the 3rd year of secondary education will eventually and fundamentally change the structure of education, and particularly that of qualifying education. In concrete terms, the qualification of pupils will henceforth take place over three years, from 4th to 6th secondary, and no longer from 3rd secondary.
Taking into account the organizational demands that this new qualifying education pathway requires from schools, its implementation is envisaged gradually:
- From 29 August 2022, for all the options currently organised within the framework of the experimental CPU scheme, as well as for the new options linked to new SFMQ profiles (profiles of professions produced by the Service Francophone des Métiers et des Qualifications);
- From 28 August 2023, for options with CCPQ (Commission Communautaire des Professions et des Qualifications) training profiles or without profiles.
Source : Eurydice Unit Belgium (French-speaking)