Belgium (FR): New mechanism for developing professional skills in education

The new decree, in force since January 1st 2024, established a mechanism that supports and develops professional skills in education. This mechanism is designed to benefit teaching staff and enhance the overall quality of teaching in Belgium’s French Community and the education system as a whole.
This mechanism is based on the principle that organising a dialogue to take stock of successes, possible difficulties or training needs is useful and motivating for everyone, whatever the stage of one’s career and that it is adapted to support new teachers.
This mechanism is designed to motivate team members, to give meaning to collective and individual work, and to enhance professional expertise. It is aimed at all members of staff in compulsory education, social advancement education (adult education) and part-time education in the arts.
It contributes to the autonomy and empowerment of those involved in education, with a view to developing the collective mobilisation of educational teams around their missions.
Source: Eurydice Unit Belgium (FR)