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Belgium (DE): New school administration system for use across all schools

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Belgium (DE): New school administration system for use across all schools

13 September 2023
IT system
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By mid-2024, all schools in the German-speaking Community are to switch to Skolengo – a common online administration system. This new software aims to standardise classroom management and school administration applications across the three school networks overseen by the Ministry of the German-speaking Community. Until now, different types of software have been used, and this complicated data exchange. The shift should help everyone involved to more easily manage their school’s day-to-day life. 

With the help of Skolengo, which the government will directly provide to the schools, data will be stored and tracked across a pupil’s entire school career. In addition to its more purely administrative tools, Skolengo features numerous other functions, including the following: 

  • creation of timetables, report cards and diplomas; 
  • report templates; 
  • digital register; 
  • digital management of absences and late arrivals; 
  • virtual classrooms; 
  • document management system; 
  • recording of student and teacher numbers; 
  • management of teachers’ working hours for payroll purposes; 
  • integrated platform for teachers to reach students and parents, and for head teachers to securely communicate with the Ministry, other teachers, parents and students. 

During the past few months, this multifunctional software was introduced in five pilot schools in the German-speaking Community. In 2023-24, the use of Skolengo will be extended to the whole region. 

Source: Eurydice Unit Belgium (DE) 

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