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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Political, social and economic background and trends


1.Political, social and economic background and trends

Last update: 31 March 2024

The Netherlands is a constitutional monarchy. The position of the King and the succession is regulated in the Constitution. The King, together with the ministers, forms the government.

The Netherlands has almost 18 million inhabitants (2024), who live on an area of 41,543 square kilometers. With A population density of 416 inhabitants per square kilometers. This makes the Netherlands the fifteenth most populous country in the world; The language spoken in the Netherlands is generally Dutch, a Germanic language.

An important feature of education in the Netherlands is freedom of education. Another important feature is that schools and institutions have a high degree of administrative and educational autonomy. In addition, in the Netherlands there is compulsory education and the qualification requirement. Furthermore, in the Netherlands there is a selection moment within the compulsory school age. This is at the end of primary education and secondary education.