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Quality assurance in higher education


11.Quality assurance

11.2Quality assurance in higher education

Last update: 27 November 2023

The University of Luxembourg undergoes internal and external improvement-oriented evaluations, which have to cover all activities such as administration, education, research and the work of its professors (loi modifiée du 12 août 2003 portant création de l'Université du Luxembourg, article 43).

Short-cycle programmes leading to Advanced technicians diplomas (BTS; brevet de technicien supérieur) are evaluated externally prior to their accreditation by the ministry of Higher education and Research (MESR; ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche). The accreditation is valid for a duration of five years. This ensures the relevance of the proposed training for the professional sector concerned.

Responsible bodies

University of Luxembourg

External quality assurance is ensured by an evaluation committee composed of experts from international quality assurance agencies. The guidelines (cahier de charges) for external evaluation are set by the minister of Higher Education and Research.

Internal evaluation procedures are worked out by the rectorate

Short-cycle programmes (BTS)

The accreditation comittee for short-cylce programmes is made up in equal parts of accreditation experts and members of the professions concerns, employers and employees.

Approaches and methods for quality assurance

University of Luxembourg

The quality evaluation of the University includes internal quality assurance features and an external quality procedure.

Internal quality assurance

The procedures of internal quality assurance are set up by the rectorate (rectorat).

External quality assurance

External quality assurance has to correspond to the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG). According to the law, external evaluations are carried out every four years and include a mid-term review. The work of researchers and research-teachers is evaluated every two years.

The external evaluation committee is composed of experts from international Quality assurance agencies and university associations.

A typical evaluation procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. Auto-evaluation report by the University
  2. Desk research by the evaluation committee
  3. Visit to the University by the evaluation committee, where the cooperation of the University is required, and all information will have to be provided
  4. Evaluation report proposed by the committee, to which report the University may take its stand or add observations
  5. Final report established
  6. Reports are communicated to the rectorate, the deans, the board of governors, the professors as well as the ministry of Higher Education and Research
  7. The evaluation reports are published on the website of the University of Luxembourg.

Short-cycle programmes (BTS)

The accreditation committee evaluates and accredits the programmes as to their relevance in the target sector, the modalities of evaluation and the parties implied. After a period of five years, the accreditation has to be renewed on the basis of a new evaluation.