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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Education staff responsible for guidance in early childhood and school education


10.Management and other education staff

10.3Education staff responsible for guidance in early childhood and school education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Elementary education

The different staff categories providing guidance and support in elementary education may either belong to the elementary school’s staff, to the multi-professionnal teams or to institutions belonging to the Special education service (Service d'éducation différenciée). These categories are described in the following article on other educational staff working in schools.

Independently from the category concerned, staff members belonging to elementary schools or multi-professionnal teams have the right and obligation to deepen their professional skills via in-service training. Each year, the minister of Education sets priorities for these trainings and ensures that a regular offer is provided. Continuing professional development may respond to individual or to collective needs.

Secondary education

Staff members of the different public guidance services are civil servants who hold different kinds of qualification and are paid according to the corresponding public careers, for example:

  • Psychologists
  • Educationalists
  • Social workers
  • Teachers
  • Educators and graduate educators.

They may either be recruited via re-assignation or via public recruitment procedures involving competitive examinations (concours), probationary and training periods (stage) and a final end-of-traineeship examination (examen de fin de stage).