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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National Student Fee and Support Systems in European Higher Education – 2017/18

Comparative Reports

Comparative Reports

National Student Fee and Support Systems in European Higher Education – 2017/18

19 February 2018



When students plan for higher education, one important element to consider is how much it will cost and whether they can receive any financial support. In a Europe where it is easier than ever to study in another country, reliable information on the costs and available student support in higher education is essential.

This report aims to provide both an overview of the main features of national fee and support systems and more detailed information on each individual country. Forty-two national sheets present the reality of fees and financial support available to students in public or government-dependent private higher education institutions in short cycle, first and second cycle students in 2017/18. In particular, the publication describes the range of fees charged to national, EU and international students and specifies the categories of students that are required to pay, and those that may be exempt. Similarly, it explains the types and amounts of public support available in the form of grants and loans, as well as tax benefits and family allowances where applicable.

Information covers the 28 EU Member States as well as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Norway, Serbia and Türkiye.

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