Slovenia: Public debate on education in the National Assembly
On Monday 3 April 2023, a public debate on education was held in the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, in the light of the main developments that the field of education is soon going to experience. A curriculum renewal, the drafting of the National Education Programme for the 2023-2033 period, and the preparation of legislative changes are key items on the agenda. The public hearing was organised by the National Assembly’s Committee on Education, Science and Youth. Its purpose was to hold a broader debate and gather the views and opinions of the professional and general public on strategic issues in Slovenian education, while also explaining the way in which these issues will be addressed in the context of the curriculum renewal and new National Education Programme.
The Minister for Education, Dr Darjo Felda, began by explaining the reasons for the curriculum renewal and the modernisation of vocational and professional education. He pointed out that the last major modernisation of the Catalogues of Curricula and Knowledge was carried out between 2007 and 2011, and that a recent analysis of existing documents showed the need for a new update. The Minister then presented the main legislative changes planned within the field of education, including the introduction of a compulsory first – and second – foreign language in Year 1 – and 7 – of basic school (i.e., Slovenia’s integrated primary and lower secondary school) respectively. In addition, the discussions centred on a new understanding of the extended basic school programme, along with the introduction of the National Examinations (NPZ) in the third year of basic school, and their selective role in the ninth year, for the enrolment of pupils in upper secondary schools with a capped intake. Among other things, the Minister also mentioned the forthcoming regulation of home-based education, which will be restructured in a way that better ensures equivalent educational standards in all subjects for home-educated pupils. Slovenia, like other European countries, is facing a shortage of teachers and other education staff; therefore, a modernisation of the professional and career development of education professionals is under preparation as well.
Dr Janez Vogrinc, Head of the working group tasked with the development of the National Education Programme for 2023-2033, presented the expected outcomes that his team will need to achieve by the end of 2023. As was noted, the main mission of the working group is to prepare a proposed National Education Programme for the next ten-year period, which will feature clearly defined objectives for the development of education in Slovenia, as well as a series of action plans to successfully implement the said objectives in a practical manner. The working group met for the first time in January this year, and it comprises of 6 sub-groups covering different content areas of education. By focusing on content areas rather than educational levels, the aim is to achieve greater coherence and consistency of solutions between the different levels of education. A total of 62 experts are involved in the preparation of the national programme. Dr Vogrinc stressed that, despite the fact that these areas already have their own national programme or strategy, neither short-cycle higher vocational education nor adult education will be left out of the working group's deliberations. Another important task, for the team, entails the coordination of the various processes that are currently taking place in parallel in the field of education, as the working groups needs to liaise with the various institutions that are responsible for this work.
The public debate saw the participation of 36 speakers from various institutions, some of which have been listed below.
Slovenian Institute of Education, Institute for Vocational Education and Training, National Examinations Centre, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education of the University of Primorska, Gustav Šilih Centre Maribor, Slovenia’s Association of School Counsellors, Basic School Preserje Pri Radomljah, Basic School Danile Kumar Ljubljana, Association of Universities for Adult Education in Slovenia, Faculty of Sport of the University of Ljubljana, Slovenian Council of Experts for General Education, Association of School Heads and Assistant School Heads, BRAVO Association, Slovenian Association of the Friends of Youth, Slovenia’s Community of Nursery Schools, Slovenia’s Association of Nursery School Heads, Faculty of Education of the University of Ljubljana, Slovenian Institute for Adult Education, Slovenia’s Association of Parent Councils, Slovenia’s Association of Educational and Counselling Centres, Slovenia’s Organisation for Upper Secondary School Students, Basic School Lava Celje, Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana, Council of Experts for Vocational and Technical Education in the Republic of Slovenia, SLOGA Platform, Slovenia’s Catholic Teachers’ Association.
Source: Eurydice Unit Slovenia
Further information
Recording of public debate (in Slovenian):
News and documents from the National Assembly (29 March 2023): Javna predstavitev mnenj o vzgoji in izobraževanju v luči že potekajoče kurikularne prenove, priprave nacionalnega programa vzgoje in izobraževanja za prihodnje desetletje ter priprave zakonodajnih sprememb