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Slovakia: School law amendment makes a leap towards inclusive education

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Slovakia: School law amendment makes a leap towards inclusive education

06 November 2023
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Now, almost all schools provide education to pupils with special educational needs. Approved in May and effective from September 2023, the amendment to the school law introduced a catalogue of support measures which represents a huge step forward in inclusive education. From 2026, the provision of support measures will be nationwide and will concern all schools and school facilities. 

The catalogue is a detailed set of support measures that schools will provide in cooperation with counselling facilities to all children, respecting their diverse educational needs, abilities and possibilities, talents and health status. These support measures are provided at three levels – general, targeted and specific. It was created as a part of the Slovak Recovery and Resilience Plan reform within Component 6 – Accessibility, Development and Quality of Education. The process of the creation involved professional authorities specialising in education and inclusion. 

The aim of the complex support system is to improve the preparedness of all stakeholders in education to work with children with different needs. Teachers and other educators will thus be better prepared to contribute towards improving the mental well-being of children with various needs and providing them with the opportunity to fully participate in education and develop their knowledge, skills and abilities. 

Entitlement to specific support measures will be based on the assessment performed by the pedagogical and professional staff of the school, school facility or counselling and prevention centre. The catalogue is based on the evaluation of the degree of support that a child or a pupil needs to develop their educational potential. 

The Ministry of Education in cooperation with experts from academia and pedagogical and professional staff from regular and special schools prepared extensive methodological support. It will be published as methodological materials, specialist training, professional development programmes, direct methodological guidance and consultation. 


More information: Katalóg podporných opatrení | Ministerstvo školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu Slovenskej republiky ( 

Source: Eurydice Unit Slovakia 

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