Portugal: The new external evaluation model - more monitoring for better learning

A new external learning evaluation model launched in 2024. It will improve the way in which student learning is monitored, leading to a better tailoring of learning strategies and helping to inform public policy.
Building on the Government Programme, this new model is set to be implemented in the 2024/2025 school year, incorporating two types of evaluations at the conclusion of each basic education cycle:
Learning Monitoring Tests (Provas de Monitorização de Aprendizagem - Provas ModA), conducted in grades 4 (end of first cycle of basic education) and 6 (end of second cycle of basic education). The subjects evaluated are Portuguese, Mathematics and one additional subject that changes every three years;
Final exams in grade 9 (end of third cycle of basic education) conducted for Portuguese, or Portuguese as a foreign language, and Mathematics.
Most of the exams will be digital, only one being in a hybrid format. Additionally, they will no longer be made public which allows for year-on-year comparisons. Several measures will be taken to ensure a smooth transition in the procedure, including a test run of the exam in the middle of the school year.
Source: Eurydice Unit Portugal