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Italy: Reform of the education and qualifying system for secondary teachers

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Italy: Reform of the education and qualifying system for secondary teachers

08 November 2023
graduation cap and diploma
Country news

The reform of the initial education and qualifying system of secondary teachers defines the organisation and contents of the programmes aimed at the acquisition of compulsory 60 ECTS required to obtain the teaching qualification. 

In fact, consecutive or concurrent with an ISCED 7 programme in one of the subjects taught at school, the initial education for secondary teachers consists of: 

  • a specific qualifying programme corresponding to at least 60 ECTS aimed at the acquisition of teaching and pedagogical competences and ending with a final written test and a mock lesson, 
  • a competitive examination for secondary teachers, 
  • a one-year induction phase ending with a final test and evaluation. 

Exemptions to the acquisition of 60 ECTS apply to specific categories of candidates, based on previous initial training and teaching qualification acquired. Programmes include direct and indirect traineeship for a total of 20 ECTS and, except for traineeships and labs, a percentage of teaching can be organised also through synchronous online activities. Programmes for the acquisition of the 60 ECTS end with a final exam consisting of a written test and a mock lesson. 

Qualified candidates who pass the competitive examination are hired with a permanent contract and need to pass a one-year induction to be confirmed in their position. 

More information: Gazzetta Ufficiale 

Source: Eurydice Unit Italy 

Picture credit: Shutterstock #2268245641 

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