Greece: National strategy for preventing and tackling bullying in schools

The Greek Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports has adopted a new ministerial decision to address violence and bullying in schools. An online platform for reporting incidents and training programmes for teachers are key components of this approach.
One main aspect of the national strategy is the development of an online platform to report incidents of bullying and violence in schools. The platform accepts reports of incidents from parents/guardians and students only, requiring full personal details to ensure the credibility of reports and to provide a sound basis for the authorities to investigate incidents. The aim is to take the necessary measures to protect victims and deal with perpetrators, while ensuring confidentiality at the same time.
The Institute of Educational Policy (IEP) plays a key role in the prevention and management of violence and bullying incidents in schools. It has launched a series of actions and programmes for teachers, parents or guardians and students:
Training of teachers and relevant authorities on methods of identifying incidents of violence and bullying in schools,
Management of incidents of discrimination and bullying directed against pupils belonging to vulnerable groups on the grounds of race, disability, religious belief, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, identity, expression, gender characteristics or marital status,
Prevention of all forms of physical, verbal, psychological, emotional, social, racist, sexual, or other violence and misconduct affecting school community.
IEP has already completed the training of the action groups at the level of Directorates of Education and will continue to implement actions to inform schools as well as the general community and raise awareness to violence and bullying in schools. In this framework, IEP has also signed an agreement of cooperation with the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens to achieve the goals set in the national strategy for preventing and tackling violence and bullying in schools.
For more information:
Source: Eurydice Unit Greece