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France: An Olympic and Paralympic year at school

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France: An Olympic and Paralympic year at school

15 April 2024
Olympic rings with the Eiffel Tower in the background
Country news

In the run-up to the Olympic and Paralympic Games, which will be held in France during the summer of 2024, all schools are being asked to step up their efforts to encourage pupils to take part in physical activity and sport, and to promote the values of Olympic and Paralympic sport: commitment, excellence, equality, respect, friendship, inclusion and sharing. 

The main measures put in place are the following: 

Encouraging pupils to take part in physical activity and sports: 

  • Reminding everyone that sport is a guarantee of well-being, good health, readiness to learn and access to a wide range of sporting activities; 

  • Boost the 30 minutes of physical activity that primary schools' pupils do every day; 

  • Enable all interested pupils to enrol in a sports section in lower and upper secondary schools; 

  • Encourage secondary school pupils to take an active part in the activities of their school's sports association. 

A popular programme for school children, with more than 190,000 tickets for the Paralympic Games reserved for schools, based on an educational project from among the following calls for expressions of interest: 


  • "Dicosport": to enable pupils to learn about the champions and sports of the Games from 1924 to 2024, through short oral presentations, accompanied by images and subtitled text; 

  • "Intégrathlon": to organise a day highlighting a shared sport, disabled sports and para-sports, through reports in a two-minute digital format; 

  • ‘2024 - sharing the world, sport and the arts’: to create a collective work using any material support (recycled objects, walls, fabrics, sports articles, etc.), sending a message of welcome to one of the 206 participating countries, linked to one of the sports on the Olympic and Paralympic programmes, and promoting the values of Olympism and Paralympism; 

  • "La grande collecte des archives du monde du sport": for secondary school pupils to build a project around documents relating to sport and its history, collected from their families and friends as part of the Cultural Olympiad. 


"La Danse des jeux" (‘Dance of the Games’): a choreography created by Mourad Mersouki to music composed by Gotan Project members, Christoph Müller and Eduardo Makaroff.  A competition run jointly by the Ministry of National Education and Youth and school sports federations has also kicked off. Primary and secondary schools, as well as schools of the Agency for International French Education (AEFE) abroad and ‘social and medical establishments and services’ (ESSMS) are asked to produce a video recording of their performance using the original choreography.


The ‘Generation 2024’ label and platform: 

  • Developing structuring projects with local sports clubs, to take part in Olympic and Paralympic events, to support high-level sports students and to open sports facilities in schools;  

  • Offering resources to which the Ministry of National Education and Youth contributes, as well as information on the highlights of the school year; 

  • Organizing events: national school sports day, Olympic and Paralympic day and week and educational and teaching theme weeks are also inspired by the Olympic Games (maths week, press and media week, etc.). 



For more information:  

2023-2024 : une année olympique et paralympique à l'École | Ministère de l'Education Nationale et de la Jeunesse

Le dispositif national Génération 2024 et la labellisation des écoles et des établissements | éduscol | Ministère de l'Education Nationale et de la Jeunesse | Direction générale de l'enseignement scolaire

À vous de jouer ! | Génération 2024 (


Source: Eurydice Unit France 

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