Czech Republic: Inclusive education as a priority

One of the main priorities of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic is the common education of all pupils within mainstream education. Therefore, several legislative changes have been made to promote inclusive education, including the adoption of the Education Act Amendment.
The Education Act Amendment was approved in April 2015 and its main changes will come into force from 1 September 2017. It defines how to diagnose pupils with special education needs and provide them adequate support. It introduces a new categorisation of special education needs pupils, directly linked to the means of education support rather than to a definition of disability, as previously. Other measures, such as modifications of buildings where needed, are also covered in this regulation.
The Amendment guarantees the right of pupils to so-called supporting measures which comprise the organisation of education, special textbooks, and other technical support to learners with disabilities, and involvement of teacher’s assistants. The new Decree on pupils with special educational needs and gifted pupils summarises the supporting measures in five stages and provides further details.
Source: Czech Eurydice Unit.