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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice



Last update: 27 November 2023


recognition - a formal acknowledgement by a competent authority of the value of a foreign education qualification with a view to access to education and/or employment activities.

augstākā izglītība

higher education – a degree of education in which personality development based on science or art, or science and art, in the selected academic or professional, or academic and professional, field of study, as well as the preparation for scientific or professional activity, which takes place after the completion of upper-secondary education.


institution of higher education is institution of higher education and science where academic and professional study programmes is implemented, and which is engaged in science, research and artistic creation.

caurviju prasmes

transversal skills - the skills individuals have which are relevant to jobs and occupations other than the ones they currently have or have recently had. These skills may also have been acquired through non-work or leisure activities, or through participation in education and training. More generally, these are skills which have been learned in one context or to master a special situation/ problem and can be transferred to another context.

centralizēts eksāmens 

centralised examination is an examination developed according to a special methodology and organised according to a single procedure at the national level (by the National Centre for Education) for the assessment of the educational achievements of students in particular subjects at the conclusion of the basic (integrated primary and lower-secondary) education and general upper-secondary education level.

darba vidē balstītas mācības

work-based learning - acquisition of knowledge and skills through carrying out and reflecting on tasks in a vocational context, either at the workplace (such as alternance training) or in a VET institution.

formālā izglītība

formal education – a system which includes basic (i.e. integrated primary and lower-secondary) education, upper-secondary education and higher education levels the acquisition of the programme of which is certified by an education or professional qualification document recognised by the State, as well as an education and professional qualification document.


institution offering three years of full-time general upper-secondary education to students aged 16 to 19. The institution may also offer the last two years of basic education to pupils aged 13 – 15, thus enabling them to complete basic education.

ikdienas (ikdienējā) mācīšanās

informal learning - learning resulting from daily activities related to work, family or leisure. It is not organised or structured in terms of objectives, time or learning support. Informal learning is in most cases unintentional from the learner's perspective.

izglītības dokuments

an official document, issued by an awarding body, which records achievements of an individual following assessment against a predefined standard (showing that someone has successfully completed a course of study, or education programme, or education level).

izglītības iestādes akreditācija

accreditation of an education institution - acquiring of rights by an education institution to issue a State recognised education document for the acquisition of education corresponding to a particular education programme. The procedure is ensured by the State Education Quality Service.

izglītības kvalifikācija / izglītību apliecinošs dokuments 

qualification  – an outcome of any knowledge and skills acquired, which is formally documented, i.e. document certifying obtained formal education is awarded.

izglītības pakāpe

education level – a completed stage of education, which includes organised and successively realised acquisition of education.

izglītības programma

curriculum or programme of education or training - inventory of activities, content and/or methods implemented to achieve education or training objectives (acquiring knowledge, skills and/or competences), organised in a logical sequence over a specified period of time.


an education institution offering occupationally oriented professional higher education short programmes lasting mainly two years to students, usually from the age of 19. The institution can also offer vocational upper-secondary education programmes.


national credit point – an accounting unit of studies which corresponds to a student’s work load of 40 academic hours (one week of studies) in which up to 50% of the academic hours are intended for contact lessons.

mācīšanās rezultāti

learning outcomes are knowledge, skills and competences that are acquired during a certain period of education.

neformālā izglītība

informal education – educational activities in conformity with interests and demand organised outside of formal education.

neformālās izglītības atzīšana 

recognition of prior learning is the assessment of vocational competences conforming with a concrete profession acquired outside formal education and issuing a document certifying the assessment.

nepilna laika studijas

part-time studies – a type of studies which corresponds to less than 40 national credit points (60 ECTS) per academic year and less than 40 academic hours per week.


basic, i.e. integrated primary and lower-secondary education, is an education level in which preparation for the upper-secondary education level or for professional activity takes place, where basic knowledge and skills necessary for life in society and for the individual life of a person are acquired, and where value-orientation and involvement in public life is developed.


institution providing nine years of full-time general basic (integrated primary and lower-secondary) education for pupils aged 7 to 15. Admission is authorised as soon as a child reaches 7 years of age. Schooling is divided into two stages of six and three years. There is no examination between stages. The institution may also provide compulsory pre-school education for children aged 5 – 6 in a setting called a ‘pre-school education group’. On completing the second stage, pupils have to pass the valsts pārbaudījums, and those who are successful receive the basic education certificate.


teacher – a person who has the respective education and the professional qualifications specified in regulations, and who participates in the implementation of an education programme at an education institution or in certified private practice.

pilna laika studijas

full-time studies – a type of study, which corresponds to 40 national credit points (60 ECTS) per academic year and not less than 40 academic hours per week

pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde (bērnudārzs)

an institution offering full-time education programmes for children up to the age of 7. Admission is voluntary and based on health certificate. The language of instruction is Latvian or an ethnic minority language. The institution also provides compulsory pre-school education for children aged 5 and 6. The objective is to foster the general development of children and prepare them for the first stage of basic education provided in a pamatskola, sākumskola or vidusskola.


litearcy - the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute, using printed and written materials associated with varying contexts. Litetracy involves a continuum of learning in enabling individuals to achieve their goals, to develop their knowledge and potential and to participate fully in their community and wider society.

profesionālā izglītība

professional education is practical and theoretical preparation for the practice of a particular profession, and for the acquisition and improvement of professional skill.

profesionālā pilnveide 

vocational in-service training is a special kind of vocational education which provides an opportunity for persons, irrespective of their age and previous education or vocational qualification, to acquire systematic vocational knowledge and skills corresponding to the requirements of the labour market.

profesionālā tālākizglītība 

vocational further education is a special kind of vocational education which provides an opportunity for adults with previous education and professional experience to acquire a specific level vocational qualification.

profesionālās ievirzes izglītība

vocationally oriented education is the acquisition of systematised knowledge and skills, as well as the formation of values orientation in art, culture or sport concurrently with the basic (integrated primary and lower-secondary) education or upper-secondary education level.

profesionālās izglītības kompetences centrs

vocational education institution, which also provides methodical support to other vocational education and  fulfilles the functions of examination centre, including recognition of informal education.


institution providing first stage or first six years of full-time general basic education for pupils aged 7 to 13. Admission is authorised as soon as a child reaches 7 years of age. The institution may also provide compulsory pre-school education for children aged 5 – 6 in a setting called a ‘pre-school education group’.

sociālās korekcijas izglītības iestāde

social correction educational establishments perform a function of the general educational establishment by implementing social correction educational program and ensuring the completion of the mandatory general basic education or improving its quality. Social correction educational program provides for the organisation of the values education for students and their preparation for social reintegration. Knowledge and skills required for independent life within the society are provided to minor law-breakers. Minor law-breakers are also given an opportunity to master professional skills. An important task of a social correction educational establishment is also to take care of the improvement of students’ health and to provide addiction (alcohol, drugs, toxic substances, etc.) treatment in cases of necessity.

speciālā izglītība

special education is general and vocational education adapted for persons with special needs and/or health problems.


distance education – an extramural method for acquiring education, which is characterised by specially structured educational materials, individual speed of learning, specially organised evaluation of educational achievement, as well as use of various technical and electronic means of communication.


an institution of higher education, which conforms to the following criteria: (1) it implements bachelor, masters and doctoral study programmes. The defence of doctoral study programme promotion works occur every year; (2) at least half of persons (65% with the year 2013) elected to academic positions have doctoral degrees; (3) publishes scientific periodical publications in respect of study programmes implemented in the institution of higher education; and (4) in the main scientific sectors, which are implemented in study programmes, institution of higher education structural units or scientific institutions perform scientific activities.

valsts izglītības standarts

state education standard – a document that determines, in conformity with the level and type of education, the main goals and objectives of education programmes, the mandatory basic content of education, basic criteria for evaluation of acquired education, and general procedures.

vidējā izglītība

Upper-secondary education – an educational level in which multi-dimensional growth of an individual, purposeful and profound development in intentionally chosen general and professional education, or general or professional education stream, preparation for studies at the highest level of education or professional activity, and involvement in public life takes place.


institution offering mainly three years of full-time general upper-secondary education to students aged 16 to 19. A basic (integrated primary and lower-secondary) education certificate is required for admission. The institution may also provide full general basic education for pupils aged 7 – 15, as in pamatskola, and compulsory pre-school education for children aged 5 – 6 in a setting called a ‘pre-school education group’. The language of instruction is Latvian, or Latvian and a minority language (bilingual instruction) in institutions providing ethnic minority education programmes.