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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Comparative Reports

Comparative Reports

Comparative Reports

Here you can consult our comparative reports from the last 5 years. You can filter by year, topic and/or title. Please refer to the EU Bookshop to source older publications.

Most of our reports are available in several languages.

Mobility Scoreboard: Higher education background report – 2022/2023

Experiencing transnational mobility during education and training is a major boost in the life of many young people. Despite the added value that learner mobility brings and the increasing opportunities available, the path towards the free movement…

Mobility Scoreboard: Higher Education Background Report – 2018/19

Eurydice’s 'Mobility Scoreboard: Higher Education Background Report 2018/19’ supports the European Commission’s Mobility Scoreboard that follows up on the 2011 'Youth on the Move' Recommendation of the Council of the European Union promoting…

Mobility Scoreboard: Higher Education Background Report


Towards a Mobility Scoreboard: Conditions for Learning Abroad in Europe

  Towards a Mobility Scoreboard: Conditions for Learning Abroad in Europe Full version EN Description: This feasibility report contains a set of draft proposals for 'scoreboard indicators' focusing on conditions supporting learner mobility…

Staff Mobility in Higher Education. National Policies and Programmes

  Staff Mobility in Higher Education. National Policies and Programmes Promoting staff mobility has become an issue of increasing importance in European higher education policy. Mobility and internationalisation are key aspects of the Bologna…