School which offers education to 36-66 months of children is called kindergarden, while 48-66 months of children receive education in a nursery school (Regulation of Early Childhood Education and Primary School Education Instutions on 26 July 2014 and 29072 numbered in Offical Gazzettel)
In addition, a child care for the children at the age of 0-36 months and day-care for the children at the age of 37-66 months is given by the Ministry of Family and Social Policies (Regulation Regarding the Principles of Establishment and Running of Private Childcare Houses and Private Child Clubs issued in the Official Gazette on 30 April 2015 with a No of 29.342).
The purpose of early childhood education is to make children ready for primary school and help them with their cognitive, social, emotional and psychomotor developments as well. This stage of education offers free educational services in public institutions and it is based on voluntariness. However, preschool education is compulsory for the children needing special education.