Academic Calendars : Country-specific notes
Data refer to universities (Universitäten) and university colleges of teacher education (Pädagogische Hochschulen). Universities of applied sciences (Fachhochschulen) and private higher education institutions have institutional autonomy to decide on the start of the academic year (generally in September or October). In some private higher education institutions teaching activities are organised in trimesters.
Belgium (Flemish Community)
There is no information on the independent private sector. The Higher education code specifies that the academic year should start between 1 September and 1 October. In some university colleges and institutions for applied sciences, the academic year is organised in trimesters.
Belgium (French Community)
There is no information on the independent private sector.
Some private universities start the academic year in September.
The Act on Higher Education and Scientific Activity specifies that the academic year spans between 1 October and 30 September of the following year. Under specific circumstances, some courses may start as early as 1 September.
The top-level authority determines the dates of the academic year, as well as the dates of autumn and spring semesters. The Institutes decide independently on the periods when instruction is provided.
The decision is taken by the Länder. For universities of applied sciences (Fachhochschulen), the academic year usually starts in September.
At ISCED 7, the academic year may start in October or March.
Some institutions may set start of the academic year by the end of August.
There is no information on the start of the year and the organisation of the academic year for the private sector.
For private institutions start of the academic year happens at different times of the year.
This data collection does not consider colleges of social work (kolegia pracowników służb społecznych, ISCED 5) which comply to school education regulations.
Some advanced study programmes are organised in trimesters.
In some autonomous communities, some non-university tertiary programmes start in October. For those programmes, the autonomous community usually decides on the start of the academic year. However, in some of them, the decision may be delegated to the provincial directorates or the municipalities.
There is no information on the private sector.