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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Staff involved in monitoring educational quality for early childhood and school education


10.Management and other education staff

10.2Staff involved in monitoring educational quality for early childhood and school education

Last update: 27 November 2023


Training for other jobs in primary schools

The government has entered into a voluntary agreement with schools on the professional development and supervision of primary and secondary school staff, and has earmarked funds to this end. Schools may use this money to enable head teachers to attend a postgraduate management course, for instance. This course is not compulsory.


HBO institutions also provide government-subsidised courses for deputy heads and prospective heads. Some also provide courses in multi-school management.


There are two levels of training for support staff. The first is the level 4 secondary vocational education training course for teaching assistants, which began on 1 August 1998. Holders of a level 3 qualification in social and community work who have specialised in primary education can also become teaching assistants. Teaching assistants help the teacher with routine teaching activities and supervise pupils in the acquisition of practical skills. Their duties are primarily of an educational nature. Occupational profiles have been drawn up, on which the exit qualifications for the training course for teaching assistants are based.


A higher level of training will be offered in 2009/2010 by a number of HBO institutions, through associate degree programmes. For the time being, however, the programmes of study will be exclusively geared to support staff in secondary and vocational education, since there are no higher-level teaching assistants in primary education.



Requirements for appointment as an inspector

School inspectors are nominated by the chief inspectors for appointment by the Inspector-General. There are no specific requirements, but candidates with experience in the sector in which they are to work and/or analytical skills are preferred. The same applies to chief inspectors, who should also have administrative experience. They are nominated by the Inspector-General for appointment by the Minister of Education. The Inspector-General is nominated by the Minister for appointment by the government. Inspectors have the same legal status as civil servants.