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Organisational variations and alternative structures in single-structure education


5.Single-structure primary and lower secondary education

5.4Organisational variations and alternative structures in single-structure education

Last update: 31 December 2024

In Ukraine, primary and lower (basic) secondary education, as well as other levels of сomplete general secondary education (Закон України ‘Про повну загальну середню освіту’), can be pursued in several forms:

  • Institutional: full-time (day, evening), part-time, distance, network;

  • Individual: external, home (family), pedagogical patronage, on-the-job training (education at the workplace);

  • Dual.

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (MESU) regulates these forms and approves the relevant provisions (i.e., Положення про інституційну та дуальну форми здобуття повної загальної середньої освітиДеякі питання організації дистанційного навчанняПоложення про екстернат у загальноосвітніх навчальних закладахПоложення про індивідуальну форму здобуття повної загальної середньої освіти).

Russian military aggression on Ukrainian territory has significantly disrupted the stability of the educational process. Frequent air alerts, power cuts and internet disruptions posed serious challenges. In response, a blended learning approach was developed, combining face-to-face and distance formats to maintain continuity of education (Інструктивно-методичні рекомендації щодо викладання навчальних предметів / інтегрованих курсів у закладах загальної середньої освіти у 2023/2024 навчальному році).


Distance education 

The pedagogical council of the educational institution approves the use of specific information and communication technologies (systems) to better organise distance learning. These include electronic educational platforms, online communication services and tools. They help to organise the educational process for distance learning. These tools facilitate the organisation of the learning process. Teachers, exercising their academic freedom, are free to choose teaching methods, formats and tools. Where necessary, distance learning may follow an individual curriculum.

The beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia on the territory of Ukraine in February 2022 changed the organisation of the educational process in primary schools. Now the Letter of the MESU ‘On the Organisation of the Educational Process in Primary School in Wartime Conditions’ regulates it, in particular in a distance learning format (Про організацію освітнього процесу в початковій школі в умовах воєнного часу).


Network education 

Networked learning involves partnerships between schools and other educational entities. These may include inter-school resource centres, scientific institutions and others. The collaboration may provide staff, technical support, methodological or information resources. It can be organised for classes (groups) and for individual learners to ensure their individual educational trajectory. The network form of learning can be combined with another institutional form or pedagogical patronage.


External education 

External learning is a form of general secondary education in which a pupil independently, including at an accelerated pace, masters the content of primary level courses or a particular grade, as defined by the State Standard for Primary Education. Successful completion results in an official document on education. Education authorities appoint specific general secondary education institutions (GSEIs) to organise external learning, carry out annual assessments and certify external learners. Parents or legal representatives must submit a written request for their child's enrolment in external learning for annual assessment and/or certification. External learning can be combined with institutional forms, home (family) education or pedagogical patronage for children who wish to master certain courses independently.


Home (family) education 

Home education allows children to learn independently, provided that the parents or legal representatives express the wish to organise the educational process themselves. Parents choose the educational institution for enrolment and may contract with other educational providers, including those offering non-formal education. A GSEI in the assigned service area cannot refuse enrolment for home education. Children studying at home are subject to a final assessment and a state final attestation (SFA). At the request of parents or legal representatives, additional assessments (more than twice a year) may be included in an individual curriculum. These formative assessments involve observing the child in various learning activities or using other methods. Formative and final assessments are carried out jointly by a pedagogical worker and a parent or guardian. They may take place in a learning environment that is familiar to the pupil.


Pedagogical patronage

Pedagogical patronage is a way of organising the educational process by educational staff in order to ensure that a learner who, due to psychophysical conditions or other legally defined reasons, requires this form, has access to education. It encompasses the following:

  • Providing educational services tailored to the child's needs and in a form that best suits the child's health and individual abilities;

  • Regular integration of children into groups of pupils for socialisation during school-wide educational activities;

  • Facilitating interaction between teachers, health services, child protection services and Inclusive Resource Centres (IRC) (Положення про інклюзивно-ресурсний центр);

  • Supervision by the head of the educational institution to ensure the child's progress in mastering the educational programme.

Pedagogical patronage may be provided for:

  • Children in primary education who live in villages or small settlements with an insufficient number of pupils to form a class;

  • Children undergoing in-patient treatment in health institutions or rehabilitation in residential institutions;

  • Children who, due to health reasons, cannot attend full-time general secondary education;

  • Children who are refugees or whose parents or legal representatives have applied for recognition as refugees or persons in need of protection.

At the request of the child, their parents or other legal representatives, lessons, consultations and assessments may take place at home, at school or individually/in groups.

Children under pedagogical patronage undergo formative, current (ongoing), final assessment and SFA in accordance with the law. Formative assessment includes observing the child in various educational activities or using other appropriate methods of formative assessment.

All forms of education require enrolment in an educational institution. This enrolment gives children access to the institution's infrastructure, a pupil card, compliance with educational standards and support from teaching staff. Pupils also receive psychological and socio-educational support and undergo an assessment of learning outcomes and/or SFA. Finally, they receive an official document on education.

Specialised institutions provide education for children who are talented in music, dance, art, sport or engineering. These include art, sports, military and scientific lyceums, as well as professional and art colleges. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approves regulations for specialised educational institutions on the basis of proposals from the MESU. These institutions must ensure that pupils achieve the learning outcomes defined by relevant state and specialised educational standards.


Education for children with SEN

Inclusive education in GSEIs follows the Procedure for the Organisation of Inclusive Education approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (Порядок організації інклюзивного навчання у закладах загальної середньої освіти).

The head of the educational institution acts based on a written application from one of the pupil’s parents or other legal representatives. This application must be accompanied by a conclusion from the IRC regarding a comprehensive psychological and pedagogical assessment of the child’s development. Based on these documents, the head establishes an inclusive class and organises inclusive education. The level of support is determined according to the recommendations of the IRC.

For pupils who need additional support in the educational process, the head of the educational institution forms a psychological and pedagogical support team and ensures its operation.

In accordance with the individual characteristics of the educational activities, an individual development programme and, if necessary, an individual curriculum are developed for each pupil with SEN studying in an integrative class. Following the individual development programme, the child is provided with psychological, pedagogical and corrective developmental services (assistance) in the form of lessons, which may be conducted individually or in groups.

The MESU approves the system and general assessment criteria for evaluating the learning outcomes of pupils with SEN in educational institutions. They also take into account the individual curriculum (if available). Upon completion of their studies, pupils receive state-issued documents on education.

Educational institutions organise inclusive education for learners at the expense of state and local budgets or other sources not prohibited by law.

Pupils with SEN may also learn in special GSEIs, such as:

  • special school or a GSEI for persons with SEN caused by intellectual disabilities, physical and/or sensory disabilities;

  • educational and rehabilitation centre or a GSEI for persons with SEN caused by complex developmental disorders.

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approves Regulations on Special Institutions of General Secondary Education (Положення про спеціальну школу та Положення про навчально-реабілітаційний центр).


Alternative structures in primary and basic secondary school

Many schools in Ukraine use a variety of teaching methods, including the Montessori programme. This approach focuses on the individual needs of each child and prepares them for practical aspects of everyday life. In primary school, various game approaches are used to study mathematics, the Ukrainian language and the subject ‘Exploring the World’ (Перша в Україні школа Монтессорі).

The ‘Intellect of Ukraine’ (Інтелект України) programme is aimed at developing logical speech and creative skills.

The integrated educational system for primary school ‘The World Waits for Winged Ones’ (Світ чекає крилатих) offers learners comprehensive topics that integrate all relevant academic subjects. The educational content is designed for immediate practical application during lessons.

The ‘Rostok’ (Росток) educational technology is another approach used in Ukrainian primary schools. It involves the comprehensive study of subjects and the application of the acquired knowledge in practice. The programme encourages pupils to self-development and self-realisation of the individual based on integration and an active approach to learning and education.

Ukraine has established 11 educational spaces under the state institution School for Superheroes.  They operate to ensure the right to education according to the State Standard for Primary Education for children undergoing in-patient treatment or rehabilitation in healthcare facilities. For this purpose, full-fledged and modern classrooms have been created in children's hospitals in regional centres of Ukraine. To organise the work of the ‘School for Superheroes’, the educational and methodological centre approved methodological recommendations for working with children with SEN. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved the procedure for providing educational services to children receiving early childhood or complete general secondary education while undergoing in-patient treatment or rehabilitation in healthcare institutions (Деякі питання забезпечення організації та надання освітніх послуг дітям, які перебувають на стаціонарному лікуванні або яким надається реабілітаційна допомога). In 2023, the total number of pupils enrolled in the ‘School for Superheroes’ was 10,161 persons.

Bilingual secondary education is available in institutions such as the Meridian International School. This school follows a balanced, integrated curriculum combining elements of both the Ukrainian national and the British international (Pearson Edexcel) programmes for children aged 12 to 18. The MESU licenses the Meridian International School.

Ukraine also offers full-day schools. For instance, the private Creative International Children's School focuses on in-depth English language study through communication between pupils and native speakers.