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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms in vocational education and training


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.3National reforms in vocational education and training

Last update: 31 December 2024
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The reform of vocational education and training (VET) began with the declaration of Ukraine's independence.

The reform ‘Modern vocational education and training’ began in 2019 with the adoption of the Concept of State Policy Implementation in the Field of vocational education and training ‘Modern vocational education and training’ for the period until 2027 (Концепція реалізації державної політики у сфері професійної (професійно-технічної) освіти ‘Сучасна професійна (професійно-технічна) освіта’ на період до 2027 року.) The purpose of the Concept is to reform VET, which will ensure the fulfilment of the following three basic tasks:

  • decentralisation of management and financing in the field of VET; 

  • ensuring the quality of VET;

  • public-private partnership in the field of VET and the relationship with the labour market.

The main priorities of the reform are the creation of modern training and practical centres, the introduction of dual education, raising the prestige of working professions and developing cooperation between educational institutions and businesses.

Educators focus particularly on digitalising the educational process, expanding access to education for socially vulnerable groups and adapting VET to the challenges caused by the war, including through support for institutions affected by the hostilities.

As a result of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation on 24 February 2022, VET has undergone significant transformations. Amendments to the legislation allowed the national educational system (NES) to adapt to the new realities of martial law, contributed to reducing unemployment and ensured rapid retraining for those who lost their jobs due to the war.

At the same time, educators initiated the process of popularisation of VET. Today, business shows a demand for labour professions, and Ukrainian VET institutions receive licenses to train ‘drone operators’, develop areas in IT, renewable energy, etc.

Ukrainian VET actively cooperates with international partners, which contributes to the implementation of a number of successful projects. One of them is the EU4Skills (2019-2023) - joint programme of the EU and its member states: Germany, Finland, Poland and Estonia.

The aim of the programme is to adapt VET to the requirements of the labour market with a total funding of €58 million. €21 million of these funds was allocated to upgrade the equipment and infrastructure of VET institutions, which is still ongoing.

Another example is the ReSkill UA programme, initiated this year and implemented by Happy Monday together with the international platform Coursera with the support of the USAID Programme ‘Competitive Economy of Ukraine’ and the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine. The programme offers free online training in 11 educational areas to acquire market-relevant professional qualifications. 30,000 Ukrainians can take part in the training - both beginners and specialists who seek to change or expand the field of professional activity. The training is also open to professionals who plan to start their own business or are just starting to try their hand at entrepreneurship.

Reforming VET in Ukraine is becoming a key element on the way to the recovery of the country and the construction of a modern and innovative economy. Thanks to international support, the integration of the latest technologies and close cooperation with business, VET not only solves the urgent issues of the labour market, but also forms the foundation for long-term economic growth. The importance of these reforms also lies in creating opportunities for the Ukrainians to return home after being forced to go abroad due to the war, and their integration into the country's economic life.



On 11 March 2024, the MESU presented the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine until 2027 (Стратегічний план діяльності Міністерства освіти і науки України до 2027 року,), where one of the key directions is the reform of VET. The main aim of the transformation is to improve the quality of VET, its prestige and integration into the European Education Area. The main reform priorities include:

  • Modernisation of educational programmes - introduction of modern training content that meets the requirements of the labour market and modern technologies;

  • Development of material and technical base - creation of educational and practical centres with modern equipment for mastering practical skills;

  • Expanding cooperation with business - involving employers in the learning process and assessment of results to ensure that graduates meet employers' needs;

  • Digitalisation of education - implementation of digital technologies and tools in the educational process;

  • Harmonisation with European standards - adaptation of programmes to International Qualifications Frameworks (IQF), which promotes the mobility of learners and graduates.

On 2 April 2024, the MESU presented a draft of the new Law on Vocational Education and Training (проєкт нового закону Про професійну освіту), which will lay the foundation for future changes in the sector.

The purpose of the draft law is to create a unified and capable system of VET in Ukraine for self-realisation in the labour market, and to provide labour markets with qualified personnel, taking into account the needs and characteristics of the regions. The draft law also provides for the harmonisation of legal conditions for the formation and implementation of state policy in the field of VET, as well as the harmonisation and unification of legal relations in the field of its obtaining.

In 2024, there was a lauch of the new direction to support the reform of VET in Ukraine within the framework of the Swiss-Ukrainian project ‘Decentralization for Improved Democratic Education’ (DECIDE), which will unite the efforts of regional state administrations and territorial communities, VET institutions, schools and business to build a career guidance system and increase the prestige of VET.

In the schools of partner communities, there will be an introduction of a system to accompany learners in choosing a profession (career guidance) in cooperation with leading Ukrainian experts and specialists of the Zurich Pedagogical University (Switzerland). Switzerland allocates 2 million francs (over UAH 80 million) for the reform of VET in Ukraine.

In 2024, the MESU approved 20 VET standards by the relevant orders (Наказами МОН у 2024 році затверджено 20 стандартів професійної освіти).



In 2023, the MESU presented the Vision of the Future of Education and Science of Ukraine (Візію майбутнього освіти і науки України). The main aim of the vision of the VET reform is to transform the personnel training system in Ukraine into a modern one, flexible and focused on the needs of the economy.

The reform aims to create conditions for the development of human capital necessary for sustainable economic growth and Ukraine's integration into the global economy.

On 10 April 2023, there was an adoption of the Law of Ukraine ‘On Amendments to Article 19 of the Law of Ukraine ‘On Vocational Education and Training’ regarding certain aspects of the licensing procedure (Закон України ‘Про внесення змін до статті 19 Закону України ‘Про професійну (професійно-технічну) освіту’ щодо окремих аспектів процедури ліцензування) providing the possibility of reissuing a license for conducting educational activities without a licensing procedure on the basis of the relevant licences.

On 25 May 2023, the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine approved the Regulation ‘On the interruption of studies by learners of vocational education and training and granting them academic leave under the conditions of martial law, emergency situation or state of emergency (special period) (Положення ‘Про переривання навчання здобувачами професійної (професійно-технічної) освіти та надання їм академічної відпустки в умовах воєнного стану, надзвичайної ситуації або надзвичайного стану (особливий період)’, which defines the mechanism for interrupting studies by learners of VET and granting them academic leave under the conditions of martial law, an emergency situation or a state of emergency (special period).

On 27 June 2023, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine issued the Order ‘On Amendments to the Model Rules for Admission to Vocational Education and Training Institutions of Ukraine’ (Наказ МОН ‘Про внесення змін до Типових правил прийому до закладів професійної (професійно-технічної) освіти України’), which regulates the admission of certain categories of persons to VET institutions and defines the list of documents to be submitted through the applicant's electronic cabinet. There is an applicant's electronic cabinet created, and from 1 July 2023, applicants can submit documents for admission to VET institutions online.

In 2023, Ukraine completed the implementation of the EU programme ‘EU4Skills: better skills for modern Ukraine’ (EU4Skills: кращі навички для сучасної України’). The main aim of the programme was to support the reform of VET in Ukraine.

As part of the project, there was a purchase of 20 sets of IT laboratories, 18 buses, 700 computers and 400 generators. 58 hubs were created to accommodate temporarily displaced persons, and 60 online learning courses were developed. 23 career guidance training sessions were held for teachers and learners, and 200 English teachers received advanced training. 700 teachers attended short-term courses on information security during martial law, stress management and other topics. Training sessions for internally displaced persons were organised in five regions.

In 2023, the MESU approved 30 VET standards by the relevant orders (Затверджені стандарти професійної освіти 2023). 




On 19 June, 2022, there was an adoption of the Law of Ukraine ‘On amendments to the Law of Ukraine ‘On Vocational Education and Training’ on certain aspects of training skilled workers under martial law and economic recovery’(Закон України ‘Про внесення змін до Закону України ‘Про професійну (професійно-технічну) освіту’ щодо окремих аспектів підготовки кваліфікованих робітників в умовах воєнного стану та відновлення економіки’). The law sets out mechanisms aimed at adapting VET to the modern labour market in the context of war, reducing unemployment and ensuring rapid retraining of those who have lost their jobs. In particular, it settled the following issues:

  • VET can be obtained without getting a complete general secondary education, which one can receive at any other time at the expense of the budget; 

  • Free acquisition of a second working profession is possible three years after acquiring the previous profession if they have an insurance experience and free places in VET institution;

  • A person has the right to obtain an education in another profession with budget funds before the end of three years, or in the absence of confirmed insurance experience, if due to health conditions they have lost the ability to work in a previously acquired profession, or to urgently meet the needs of the state (region) in skilled workers;

  • VET institutions enrol learners regardless of the place of registration; 

  • VET institutions train and retrain learners under short-term programmes tailored to the specific needs of the country's reconstruction;

  • The state allocates orders for both the training of skilled workers, their retraining, as well as advanced training in accordance with the current needs of the state.

As part of an international partnership, Ukraine participates in the international EU programme ‘EU4Skills: better skills for modern Ukraine’ (EU4Skills: кращі навички для сучасної України’). This is a joint programme of the EU and its member states Germany, Finland, Poland and Estonia to support the reform of VET in Ukraine.

Programme objective: EU4Skills supports the reform of VET in Ukraine to make learning more relevant to labour market needs and help young people and adults realise their potential.

Duration: 2019-2023.

Funding: the total amount is €58 million, of which €21 million to upgrade equipment and infrastructure. 

In 2022, after the outbreak of Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine, international programme added new tasks: online learning, adaptation and printing of a large number of distance professional training courses translated from Polish, purchase of computer equipment for learners and teachers who were forced to change their place of residence.

In 2022, the MESU approved 29 VET standards by the relevant orders (Затверджені стандарти професійної освіти 2022).