Integrated master study programmes fall into second cycle study programmes. They are formed if students are being prepared for employment which is in line with either EU directives or national regulations. Unless the EU directives state otherwise, the duration of the programmes is five years and consists of 300 credits. According to the Decree on the introduction and use of the education and training classification system they, are classified at level 7.
In integrated master study programmes students acquire and broaden their professional knowledge and skills as defined for the university study programmes of the first cycle, along with the knowledge defined for the second cycle study programmes.
Currently, such programmes have been formulated for medicine, dental medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmaceuticals, architecture, theology and pedagogical mathematics. The first three consist of 6 years of study and 360 credits, while the other four consist of 5 years of study and 300 credits. The general application requirements for such programmes are the same as those for the first-cycle university study programmes. The criteria are also the same for the selection of candidates in the case of application limits.
Graduates of medicine, dental medicine, veterinary medicine and pharmaceuticals are awarded the following professional titles: doktor or doktorica medicine (Doctor of Medicine), doktor or doktorica dentalne medicine (Doctor of Dental Medicine), doktor or doktorica veterinarske medicine (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine), magister or magistra farmacije (Doctor of Pharmacy). Graduates of other uniform master programmes are awarded their professional titles according to the common rules.