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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Conditions of service for teachers and trainers working in adult education and training


9.Teachers and education staff

9.8Conditions of service for teachers and trainers working in adult education and training

Last update: 30 March 2024

The terms and conditions of teachers and trainers in the field of adult education and training (Qualifica Centres teams, teachers and trainers of adult education and training courses - EFA Courses and Certified Modular Training) are dependent on the type of training provider that employs them. However, some criteria are transversal, such as having specialised training and experience in adult education and training, and teaching qualifications for the 2nd and 3rd cycles of basic and upper secondary education, depending on the level of certification and the key competences areas, according to the legal regulations in force, for the recruitment groups concerned.

Teachers and trainers involved the recognition, validation and certification of competencies processes (RVCC) must hold the following qualifications, according to the aspect of the process they participate in:

  • academic RVCC: teaching qualification according to the key competences area in which they are involved, in accordance with current legislation, and preferably work experience in adult education and training or within the recognition, validation and certification of competences.
  • professional RVCC: trainer qualification, in accordance with the legislation in force, and technical knowledge and experience in the relevant occupational field and preferably professional experience in recognising, validating and certifying competences. 

Guidance, recognition and validation of competences professionals must hold a higher education qualification and have experience in at least one of the following fields:

• academic or professional guidance.

• different types of education and training.

• methodologies for adult education and training, including the balance of competences and portfolio construction.