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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Organisation of post-secondary non-tertiary education


6.Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary Education

6.7Organisation of post-secondary non-tertiary education

Last update: 2 April 2024

In accordance with the Law on Vocational Education and General Law on Education, post-secondary non-tertiary education refers to two-year post-secondary non-tertiary vocational education and one-year education leading to master craftsman title.

Learners attending publicly funded institutions that provide post-secondary non-tertiary vocational education do not pay tuition fee. Exceptionally, following the approval of the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation partial cost coverage for practical education within the post-secondary non-tertiary vocational education, in the amount of up to 20% of education price per learner attending post-secondary non-tertiary vocational education, may defined be for the relevant curriculum at a public institution. 

The educational offer of higher vocational education consists of three educational programs adopted by the National Council for Education, out of which two educational programs in the field of ​​catering - senior caterer and senior restaurateur and one in the field of security – police officer.

Quality assurance in post-secondary non-tertiary vocational education is done through internal and external evaluation. The external evaluation is carried out by the Centre for Vocational Education, in accordance with the Rulebook on the content, form and manner of determining the quality of educational work in institutions.

Master craftsman exam also belongs to the post-secondary non-tertiary vocational education. A candidate who has completed a three-year vocational school, final exam and has acquired three years of professional experience within their profession (in tasks of a particular occupation) or has completed a four-year vocational school, vocational exam and has acquired two years of professional experience (in tasks of a particular occupation) is entitled to take the master craftsman exam.

Curricula for acquiring the master craftsman title are under preparation.

Types of Institutions

Two-year post-secondary non-tertiary vocational education is carried out in post-secondary non-tertiary vocational schools licensed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation in accordance with the General Law on Education.

Educational work in a post-secondary non-tertiary vocational school, in accordance with the Law on Vocational Education, is carried out on the basis of annual work plan and program. The annual work program defines: the organization of educational work; internal quality assurance; forms, content and schedule of executing tasks; enrolment plan; examination terms; professional development of teachers; cooperation with social partners (employers, associations), etc.

The Law on Vocational Education stipulates that curricula for acquiring the master craftsman title can be carried out by schools, adult education providers and employers’ associations licensed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation.

There are no licensed institutions that carry out the curricula for master craftsman exam.

Geographical Accessibility

Two institutions in Montenegro have been licensed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation to carry out the post-secondary non-tertiary vocational education curricula. They are “Sergije Stanić” School for Secondary and Post-Secondary Non-Tertiary Vocational Education in Podgorica and “Police Academy” Post-Secondary Non-Tertiary Vocational School in Danilovgrad.

Admission Requirements and Choice of Schools

The Law on Vocational Education prescribes general conditions for enrolment of students in vocational schools. Enrolment in post-secondary non-tertiary vocational school is done on the basis of a public call for applications announced in June and August. As a rule, the call is announced by the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation following the proposal of the school, six months prior to the beginning of a school year. The Ministry may announce the call for enrolment in post-secondary non-tertiary vocational education at other tine as well, until the end of September.

In line with the relevant curriculum, a person may be enrolled in post-secondary non-tertiary vocational school if they have completed:

  • four-year secondary school;

  • three-year vocational school and completed the master craftsman exam.

The order for enrolment of candidates in the first year of post-secondary non-tertiary vocational education is determined on the basis of the Rulebook on the manner, procedure and evaluation of the criteria for enrolment of students in vocational schools.

In accordance with the above mentioned document, the criteria for enrolment of learners in the first grade of post-secondary non-tertiary vocational school, on the basis of which the order for enrolment is determined, are:

1. overall performance in the final three grades of vocational school;
2. special talent or skill relevant for acquiring education.

Special talent or skill, are valued by considering the overall performance in two subjects of importance for acquiring education in the final two grades of school, where the excellent grade (5) equals 11 points, very good grade (4) equals 8 points, good grade (3) equals 5 points and sufficient grade (2) equals 2 points. Subjects of importance are defined by the Centre for Vocational Education, with the approval of the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation.

For example, in the first year of higher vocational education, at the Higher Gastronome education program, a person who has completed the following may be enrolled:
- a four-year vocational school in the field of cookery and passed an external professional exam; or
- a three-year vocational school in the field of cookery, passed the master's exam and the differential exams determined by the School.

Candidates for enrollment submit the certificate of the last three grades of the vocational school in the field of cookery or hospitality. Candidates who have completed a three-year vocational school shall submit the certificates of the last three grades of the vocational school in the field of cookery or hospitality and proof of passing the master's exam, or proof of the acquired fifth degree or qualification of a highly qualified worker (VKV), which they have obtained according to earlier regulations. The subjects important for gaining a higher vocational education level for the Higher Gastronome education program are Cooking and Practical classes.

During the deadline for submitting applications for school enrollment, the committee is obliged to publish an updated rank list of applicants every day in order to inform them about the place on the ranking list. The ranking list is published on the bulletin board of the school and contains for each candidate: name, parent's name, surname, the number of points scored individually according to the criteria that are evaluated for enrollment and the total number of points earned.

Age Levels and Grouping of Learners

The Law on Vocational Education prescribes general conditions for enrolment in post-secondary non-tertiary vocational education (completed four-year secondary education or three-year vocational education and completed master craftsman exam).

A class following the curricula of post-secondary non-tertiary vocational education may have at least 15 learners according to the relevant curriculum.

Organisation of the School Year

As a rule, school year and teaching year begin on 1 September. Exceptionally, in accordance with Article 12 of the Law on Vocational Education, the call for enrollment of students of higher vocational education can be announced by the end of September, with the approval of the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation. Accordingly, the school year also begins later.

Educational work (teaching year) includes two terms. The beginning of a teaching year, the time of organizing educational work during the teaching year are defined by school calendar which is adopted by minister in charge of educational affairs at the beginning of each school year.

Teaching year lasts at least 180 working days, i.e. 220 working days with practical education. If the total number of periods defined by the curriculum a certain subjects has not been carried out, the teaching year is extended until the defined number of periods is completed, but not for more than 10 days.

Organisation of the School Day and Week

Teaching is conducted over a five-day working week. Exceptionally, in case of making up for a working day, teaching may also be organized on Saturdays.

Students may have up to 32 periods in a week, yet the weekly load may not be over 35 periods, including both compulsory and elective activities. One period takes 45 minutes, and practical training with the employer for 60 minutes. For the same or related study areas block schedule classes may be envisaged. Students may have maximum seven periods of instruction in a day.

During a teaching day between the first and the second, the third and the fourth, and the fifth, the sixth and seventh period students have a 5 minute break (short break), and between the second and the third and the fourth and the fifth period, a 15 minute break (long break).

Educational work at an institution may be suspended only in justified cases (epidemics, natural disaster, etc.). For suspending the work of an institution in case of epidemics, it is necessary to obtain the opinion of a competent health institution. The decision on suspending the educational work up to five days is made by a principal of the institution, and longer than five days by the Ministry, i.e. by the founder in case of a private institution.

In accordance with Law on National and Other Holidays, a student is entitled to absence during state and religious holidays he/she celebrates.